
For 3 years, Tim & Puma Mimi have been playing liveshows around the globe using an «electrified cucumber». The cucumber became the secret star of the show.

That’s not meant to be a magic trick, we want to give the fun to our fans, too. With a super easy DIY-Kit you can electrify your own vegetable or fruit. Super-Mario would get an extra life.

In addition to the DIY-Kit you need a soldering iron, a 9V battery and an amplifier, like a guitaramp (and cable) or active speakers (like the ones you plug in your computer).

Fruitilyzer DIY-Kits are SOLD OUT!!! Thank you for your support!

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Tim plays fruits and vegetables. The self-built “Fruitilyzer” sounds electric.
Do you feel good? I feel Gurk*!

* Gurke means “cucumber” in German, you see?